Why You Should Wear a Mouthguard While Playing Contact Sports

Why You Should Wear a Mouthguard While Playing Contact Sports

Posted by McConnell Dental Care on Dec 15 2021, 03:59 AM

Sports-related dental injuries are among the most common threats to dental health. Playing sports without a mouthguard may expose you to serious injuries relating to your teeth, tongue, cheeks, and jaw. 

In this article, our team at McConnell Dental Care in Stansbury Park, Utah, explains why you should wear a mouthguard while playing contact sports.

What Are Mouthguards?

A mouthguard acts like a cushion that protects your teeth, gums, and jaw from impact. With the support of a mouthguard, the effects of accidental impact can be minimized. 

Only properly fitting mouthguards can offer the right amount of protection to prevent injuries. The dentist can make a customized mouthguard for you that will fit correctly in your mouth. Alternatively, you can also purchase stock mouthguards at sporting goods stores. 

If the mouthguard is for a growing kid, the correct size is especially important. Since their jaw or mouth size is still developing, there is a high chance stock mouthguards won’t fit properly. 

  • Protection for Braces 

If you wear dental braces, it is very important to use a mouthguard as you are at a higher risk of dental injuries. 

However, you should always choose a custom-made mouthguard made by an experienced dentist that will accommodate the braces and ensure a good fit and a higher degree of protection. 

  • Care For Your Mouthguard 

You need to properly take care of your mouthguard in order to extend its durability. After every use, you must clean it properly and keep it in a properly ventilated container. 

Make sure that you replace your mouthguard as required. Some need to be replaced after every use, while others can be reused. You should consult with a dentist to better understand the lifecycle of your mouthguard. 

So, the next time you play contact sports, always remember to use a mouthguard to avoid serious dental injuries. 

To learn more about the importance of wearing a mouthguard while playing contact sports, contact McConnell Dental Care at (435) 249-0482 or visit us at 263 Country Club Dr #102, Stansbury Park, UT 84074.

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263 Country Club Dr #102, Stansbury Park, UT 84074

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