from James McConnell
Home Sweet Home
Back in 1999, we opened the very first dental office here in Stansbury Park. I say we because my wife and I took a huge leap of faith that it would be successful in a small, growing community. It was and so much so we had to move ten years later to the location on the corner or SR-36 and Village Blvd. We sold the office in 2013 so I could explore other opportunities that took me to the state of Alaska to help people that were underprivileged and underserved in Southeast Alaska.
An opportunity came for me to return to my roots and open up McConnell Dental Care. It is a small three chair office that has an intimate setting and a family feel to it, much like the original McConnell Dental Care that was opened some twenty years ago. We are back in the same location on SR-36 and Village Blvd.
One thing that I wanted to do with this office is make it as family friendly as possible. To not be so big as to forget who my patients are. We want to know where your kids are playing sports, where they are serving missions and the colors of your daughter’s reception! Its important to me to have you feel as comfortable as possible. I know that we have the dental team to do that. With people that are your neighbors. With people who grew up along side of you here in the Valley. With people whose kids go to school with your own.
You will feel right at home at McConnell Dental Care as you have for so many years.